
Blue Aventurine Snoopy Carving


1 in stock


Have a soft spot for Snoopy?  Here is a perfect reminder of all things Snoopy and his unstoppable imagination in a cute blue aventurine carving!

65 x 35 x 40mm

Aventurine Properties:

Aventurine is a stone of prosperity.  It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness.  Promotes compassion and empathy.  Encourages perseverance.  Aventurine relieves stammers and severe neuroses.  It stabilises one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity.  Aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities.  Calms anger and irritation.  Promotes feelings of well-being.  Aventurine balances male-female energy.  It encourages the regeneration of the heart.  Protects against environmental pollution.

Additional information

Weight .5 kg


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