Emerald Necklace, Earnings or set (Gold)



Beautiful Emerald hand made by me, choose either the earnings, pendant or the set

The gold square is gold coated hematite


Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the being, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit. A stone of inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies unity, compassion and unconditional love. Emerald promotes friendship, a balance between partners, and is particularly known for providing domestic bliss, contentment and loyalty. It was dedicated in the ancient world to the goddess Venus for its ability to insure security in love.



Hematite grounds and protects us.  It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure.  It endows us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality.  A “stone for the mind”, Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought.

Hematite utilises the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system.  It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit.

Dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others.  Haematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence.  It helps to overcome compulsions and addictions, treating overeating, smoking and other forms of overindulgence.

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Weight N/A

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