
Golden Obsidian Protection Amulet fox spirit animal bracelet and necklace set


Protection Bracelet with Fox Spiritual Animal is an irresistible crystal bracelet that looks gorgeous. Featuring the Fox spirit animal and made with Golden Obsidian these healing crystals carry energy protection properties that shield your energy from others that might try to take it.

Protection jewellery are individually sculpted by hand with the best protection crystal that Mother Nature has to offer.


Comes in a gift box with crystal card


Necklace 4cm tall with adjustable cord

Bracelet 4cm golden obsidian fox caring with Large 1cm round black obsidian beads

Our Gold Obsidian Amulet Energy Protection bracelet is a precious piece that will protect your energy, guard your spirit and bring luck. This special energy protection bracelet is created using ancient meaningful Eastern healing techniques combined with nature’s protection crystal the Obsidian which will serve as your own Mighty Guardian Angel.

*The golden shimmer can only be seen underneath a bright light


The Fox is a symbol of intelligence, awareness, and self-reliance. In legend the fox represent a highly resilient creature with the ability to shift in physical appearance, psychologically, and the ability to create opportunities and achieve pre-determined outcomes based on intention. When worn the fox gives energies of resiliency and success. Specifically the fox is known for abilities to navigate tricky situations. This is perfect to wear when taking on a uncertain situation and when overcoming diverse obstacles along the way to your intended outcome. It can be worn in jewellery as amulet carvings.


Black Obsidian is a crystal for protection that can be used as a protective amulet in different forms depending upon your style and what works best for you. Worn as protection jewellery these are protection stones against negative energy, psychic attack, and are crystals that send negative energy back. They have uses to protect against injury, to take on vacation, and to protect against evil. Are you afraid of flying, need to protect your car when traveling, do you need protection crystals for work. Black obsidian protects travellers, protects while driving, and gives protection from spirits. They can be worn as a protection beads necklace, as a protective amulet pendant, and placed in important locations where you live because these are protection crystals for the home.

Additional information

Weight .5 kg


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